Publikacje pracowników Katedry Elektroenergetyki Okrętowej

Katedra Elektroenergetyki Okrętowej, zakres badań naukowych: poprawa jakości energii elektrycznej w systemach okrętowych i lądowych: analiza uwarunkowań i  implementacja nowych rozwiązań technicznych; ocena jakości energii elektrycznej w inteligentnych sieciach okrętowych; ocena wpływu jakości napięcia zasilania na właściwości eksploatacyjne i pracę silników elektrycznych stosowanych w systemach okrętowych i lądowych; badania nad modelami probabilistycznymi oraz metodami śledzenia rzeczywistej topologii sieci nN w inteligentnych sieciach elektroenergetycznych; badania i ocenę jakości transmisji informacji analogowej i cyfrowej w okrętowych systemach pomiarowo-kontrolnych; badania nad infrastrukturą metrologiczną w obszarze akustyki podwodnej we współpracy z Głównym Urzędem Miar.

2024 r.

  1. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Palczynska Beata, Werner Dawid, Research on the flicker effect in modern light sources powered by an electrical network, Energies,2024, vol. 17 (issue 20), art. no. 5080, s. 1-14.
  2. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Palczynska Beata, Heat dissipation from the power cable in the casing pipe. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, 2024, vol. 60 (issue 4), s. 5522-5532.
  3. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Improved procedure related to the UAV methods for X-Y-Z coordinates in surface imaging.
  4. Masnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Palczynska Beata, Werner Dawid, Modern light sources on the ship. Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (MetroSea 2024).
  5. Palczynska Beata, Masnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, The concept of a measurement data acquisition platform based on compressive sensing. Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (MetroSea 2024).
  6. Maśnicki Romuald, Świsulski Dariusz, Ocena skuteczności odprowadzania ciepła z kabla w podziemnej linii elektroenergetycznej.Assessment of the efficiency of heat removal from a cable in an underground power line. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny.
  7. Mindykowski Janusz, Wierzbicki Łukasz, Górniak Mariusz, Piłat Andrzej, Analysis and experimental verification of improving the EEDI of a ship using a        thruster supplied by a hybrid power system. Polish Maritime Research, 2024, vol. 31 (no. 1 (121)), s. 43-54.
  8. P. Gnaciński, M. Pepliński, A. Muc, D. Hallmann and P. Klimczak, Induction Motors Under Voltage Fluctuations and Power Quality Standards, in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 1255-1264, June 2024, doi:10.1109/TEC.2023.3342932, available at http:
  9. Gnaciński, P., Pepliński, M., Muc, A., & Hallmann, D., Induction Motors Under Voltage Unbalance Combined with Voltage Subharmonics. Energies, 17(24), 6324, (2024).
  10. Gnaciński, P., Pepliński, M., Muc, A., & Hallmann, D., Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Supplied with Voltage Containing Negative-Sequence Subharmonics. Energies, 17(1), 91, (2024).
  11. Gnaciński, P., & Hallmann, D., Effect of Mains Communication Voltage on Induction Motors. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (132), 20-34, (2024).
  12. Gnaciński, P., & Hallmann, D., Speed Variation of a Cage Induction Motor under Square Voltage Modulation. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (131), 23-35, (2024).
  13. Pepliński, M., & Gnaciński, P., Effect of Rectangular Voltage Fluctuations on Currents of Single-Phase Induction Motors. Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, (131), 36-47, (2024).
  14. Listewnik Karol Jakub, Mindykowski Janusz, Study on the ensuring of reliability and repeatability of research in the area of marine ecology through calibration of underwater acoustics devices. Applied Sciences, 2024, vol. 14 (issue 17), art. no. 7725, s. 1-14.
  15. Listewnik Karol Jakub, Nowak Tomasz, Comparison of the energy efficiency of fixed and tracking home photovoltaic systems in northern Poland, Energies, 2024, vol. 17 (issue 17), art. no. 4410, s. 1-22.
  16. Listewnik Karol Jakub, Mindykowski Janusz, The project: "A concept for constructing metrological infrastructure in underwater acoustics area at the Central Office of Measures" - assumptions and scope of the project tasks, Metrology and Hallmark, 2024, vol. 4, s. 1-11.
  17. Jankowski Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Symulacyjne badanie właściwości dynamiczno-termicznych ultra-szybkiego napędu indukcyjno-dynamicznego, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2024, r. 100 (nr 2), s. 203-208.
  18. Citko Wiesław, Hallmann Damian, Wojewódka Łukasz, Badania parametrów statystycznych sygnałów hydroakustycznych, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny. 2024, r. 100 (nr 10), s. 177-180.
  19. Abotaleb Mostafa, Mindykowski Janusz, Enhancement of operational safety in marine cargo cranes on a container ship through the application of authenticated Wi-Fi based wireless data transmission from multiple sensors, Sensors, 2024, vol. 24 (issue 21), art. no. 6799, s. 1-28.
  20. Wierzbicki Łukasz ; Mindykowski Janusz. Eksperymentalna weryfikacja możliwości poprawy współczynnika efektywności energetycznej statku na przykładzie promu pasażersko - samochodowego z innowacyjnym hybrydowym systemem zasilania pędników, Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, 2024 (nr 76), s. 81-84.
  21. Gnaciński, P., Pepliński, M., Effect of voltage subharmonics and interharmonics on currents of line start permanent magnet synchronous motor, Technical Transactions, e2024023 (2024).
  22. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Effect of leakage inductance variation on currents and torque pulsations of induction motor under subharmonics, 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024, s. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/CPE-POWERENG60842.2024.10604377

2023 r.

  1. Jankowski Piotr, Piłat Andrzej, Wołoszyn Joanna, Determination of critical parameters of a high-power impulse actuator on the basis of a thermal and dynamic analysis, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2023, vol. 71 (issue SI), s. 457-464, ZAC, Q, 70.000.
  2. Gnaciński Piotr, Pepliński Marcin, Muc Adam, Hallmann Damian, Jankowski Piotr, Effect of ripple control on induction motors, Energies, 2023, vol. 16 (issue 23), art. no. 783 1, s. 1-12, ZAC, Q, 140.000.
  3. Gnaciński Piotr, Muc Adam, Pepliński Marcin, Line start permanent magnet synchronous motor supplied with voltage containing subharmonics, Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, 2023 (no.74(146)), s. 28-34, PAC, Q, 70.000.
  4. Maśnicki Romuald, Swisulski Dariusz, Multi-channel virtual instrument for measuring temperature - a case study, Electronics, 2023, vol. 12 (issue 10), art. no. 2188, s. 1-17, ZAC, Q, 140.000.
  5. Mindykowski Janusz, Maśnicki Romuald, Problems of positioning and assessing of the X-Y-Z coordinates designated by marine drones related to the terrain points, Monitoring and protection of critical infrastructure by unmanned systems, vol. 63, 2023, s. 39-54, ZRM, W, 20.000.
  6. Maśnicki Romuald, Pałczyńska Beata, Assessment of the accuracy of a virtual multi-channel temperature measuring instrument, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2023 (no. 127), s. 57-71, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  7. Nowak Tomasz, Morskie systemy elektroenergetyczne prądu przemiennego, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2023, r. 99 (nr 2), 275-277, PAC, Q, 70.000.
  8. Listewnik Karol, Aftewicz Kacper, Rotary 3D magnetic field scanner for the research and minimization of the magnetic field of UUV, SENSORS, 2023, vol. 23 (issue 1), art. no. 345, s. 1-26, ZAC, Q, 100.000.
  9. Cao Wei, Geng Pan, Xu Xiaoyan, Tarasiuk Tomasz, Energy management strategy considering energy storage system degradation for hydrogen fuel cell ship, Polish Maritime Research, 2023, vol. 30 (no. 2 (1 18)), s. 95-104, PAZ, Q, 100.000.  
  10. Abotaleb Mostafa, Authenticated WiFi-based wireless data transmission from multiple sensors through a laboratory stand based on collaboration between ATMEGA2560 and ESP32 microcontrollers, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2023, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  11. Abotaleb Mostafa, Improved performance of wi-fi based communication with multiple sensors through collaboration between the WebSerial remote serial monitor and ESP-NOW protocol, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2023, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  12. Jankowski Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Influence of inter and subharmonics on the chaotic behavior of the stator current waveform in an induction motor, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2023, vol. 71 (issue SI), s. 465-472, ZAC, Q, 70.000.

2022 r.

  1. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Palczynska Beata, The laboratory stand for the evaluation of heat dissipation from the power cable in a casing pipe, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, 2022, ZRM, W, 20.000.
  2. Hallmann Damian, Jankowski Piotr, Mindykowski Janusz, Jakubiuk Kazimierz, Nowak Mikołaj, Wołoszyn Mirosław, Modeling of electrodynamic phenomena in an ultra-rapid inductive-dynamic actuator as applied to hybrid short-circuit breakers-a review study, Energies, 2022 vol. 15 (issue 24), art. no. 9394, s. 1-26, ZAC, Q, 140.000.
  3. Abotaleb Mostafa, Mindykowski Janusz, Dudojć Bolesław, Maśnicki Romuald, Simulation of Foundation Fieldbus Manchester Coded 31.25 kbps H1 Bus using MATLAB and SIMULINK, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2022 no. 123, s. 18-31, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  4. Fang Liang, Xu Xiao-Yan, Xia Jun, Tarasiuk Tomasz, Reliability assessment of the port power system based on integrated energy hybrid system, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences-Technical Sciences, 2022 vol. 70 (no. 2), art. no. e140372, s. 1-12, PAC, Q, 100.000.
  5. Fang Liang, Xu Xiaoyan, Tarasiuk Tomasz, Research on stability of MMC-based medium voltage DC bus on ships based on Lyapunov method, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, 2022 vol. E105-C (no.11), s. 675-683, ZAC, Q, 20.000.
  6. Nowak Mikołaj, Jakubiuk Kazimierz, Kowalak Daniel, Pikoń Marek, Czucha Józef, Jankowski Piotr, Compact and integrated high-power pulse generation and forming system, Energies, 2022, vol. 15 (issue 1), art. no. 99, s. 1-23, ZAC, Q, 140.000.
  7. Hallmann Damian, Jankowski Piotr, Badania symulacyjne wpływu wybranych zakłóceń napięcia zasilania na prądy silnika indukcyjnego małej mocy, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2022, r. 98 (nr 11), s. 195-200, PAZ, Q, 70.000.
  8. Kostyszyn Roman, Miśków Dominik, Electric fields in the vicinity of high-voltage power lines, optimisation of power line design, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2022 (no. 123), s. 50-65, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  9. Kostyszyn Roman, Miśków Dominik, Magnetic fields in the vicinity of high-voltage power lines, and optimisation of conductor arrangement, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2022 (no. 123), s. 66-78, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  10. Listewnik Karol, A method for the evaluation of power-generating sets based on the assessment of power quality parameters, Energies, 2022, vol. 15 (issue 14), art. no. 5305, s. 1-24, ZAC, Q, 140.000.
  11. Listewnik Karol, Formela Piotr, Multi-criterion analysis of selected power management strategies in smart home systems, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2022 (no. 123), s. 79-93, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  12. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Pałczynska Beata, Experiment-based study of heat dissipation from the power cable in a casing pipe, Energies, 2022, vol. 15 (issue 13), art. no. 4518, s. 1-16, ZAC, Q, 140.000.
  13. Abotaleb Mostafa, Mindykowski Janusz, Dudojć Bolesław, Maśnicki Romuald, Case-study-based overview of methods and technical solutions of analog and digital transmission in measurement and control ship systems, SENSORS, 2022, vol. 22 (issue 18), art. no. 6931, s. 1-34, ZAC, Q, 100.000.
  14. Gnaciński Piotr, Pepliński Marcin, Adamczak Daniel, Single-phase induction motor under voltage fluctuations, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2022 (no. 123), s. 40-49, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  15. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Muc Adam, Klimczak Piotr, Pepliński Marcin, Induction motor supplied with voltage containing symmetrical subharmonics and interharmonics, Energies, 2022, vol. 15 (issue 20), art. no. 7712, s. 1-24, ZAC, Q, 140.000.
  16. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Klimczak Piotr, Muc Adam, Pepliński Marcin, Effects of negative sequence voltage subharmonics on cage induction motors, Energies, 2022, vol. 15 (issue 23), art. no. 8797, s. 1-13, ZAC, Q, 140.000.
  17. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Speed variations in cage induction motors under sinusoidal voltage modulation, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2022 (no. 124), s. 31-41, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  18. Hartman Marek, A few remarks on the energy transfer analyses during a time less than period T for voltage and current waveforms in electrical circuits, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2022 (no. 123/2022), s. 32-39, PAC, Q, 40.000.
  19. Abotaleb Mostafa, Mindykowski Janusz, Dudojć Bolesław, Maśnicki Romuald, Towards reliability and safety improvement of measurement and control processes on ships: Implementation of wireless HART protocol, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, sectia: Electrotehnica, Energetica, Electronica, 2022, vol. 68 (72), n°1, s. 17-48, ZAC, R, 5.000.

2021 r.

  1. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Klimczak Piotr, Muc Adam, Pepliński Marcin, Effects of voltage interharmonics on cage induction motors, Energies, 2021, vol. 14 (issue 5), art. no. 1218, s. 1-13.
  2. Hallmann Damian, Analiza pracy silnika indukcyjnego małej mocy zasilanego napięciem zawierającym subharmoniczne i interharmoniczne z wykorzystaniem modelu polowego : rozprawa doktorska, Gdynia : Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni, 2021.
  3. Hallmann Damian, Jankowski Piotr, Modelowanie układów elektromagnetycznych w środowisku ANSYS Maxwell [ANSYS Electronics Desktop], Gdynia : Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni, 2021.
  4. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Jankowski Piotr, Shagar Viknash, Piłat Andrzej, Górniak Mariusz, Nowak Jarosław, Comparative case study on oscillatory behavior in power systems of marine vessels with high power converters, Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, vol. 8, art. no. 529756, s. 1-14.
  5. Dudojć Bolesław, Metrologia : Laboratorium II, Gdynia : Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni, 2021.
  6. Listewnik Karol, Józwiak Rafał, Nissen Ivor, Influence of surface object movement parameters on the hydroacoustic RGB classification method, Applied Acoustics, 2021, vol. 173, art. no. 107743 , s. 1-8.
  7. Mindykowski Janusz, Tarasiuk Tomasz, Gnaciński Piotr, Review of legal aspects of electrical power quality in ship systems in the wake of the novelisation and implementation of IACS rules and requirement, Energies, 2021, vol. 14 (issue 11), art. no. 3151, s. 1-21.
  8. Kowalski Jerzy, Leśniewski Wojciech, Piątek Daniel, Cuper-Przybylska Dominika, Assessing the potential replacement of mineral oil with environmentally acceptable lubricants in a stern tube bearing: an experimental analysis of bearing performance, Polish Maritime Research, 2021, vol. 28 (no. 4 (112)), s. 160-166.
  9. Maśnicki Romuald, Odprowadzanie ciepła z kabla w podziemnych liniach elektroenergetycznych, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2021, r. 97 (nr 5), s. 74-77.
  10. Nowak Tomasz, Case study - based experience concerning technical and economical effectiveness resulting from the operation of photovoltaic installations, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2021 (no. 120), s. 7-21.
  11. Nowak Tomasz, Selected issues concerning the atypical TT/TN-S networks usage in marine electricity systems, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2021 (no. 119), s. 7-19.
  12. Gnaciński Piotr, Muc Adam, Pepliński Marcin, Influence of voltage subharmonics on line start permanent magnet synchronous motor, IEEE Access, 2021, vol. 9, s. 164275-164281.
  13. Pepliński Marcin, Impact of voltage subharmonics and interharmonics on currents in single-phase induction motors, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2021 (no. 119), s. 45-53.
  14. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Jayasinghe Shantha Gamini, Górniak Mariusz, Piłat Andrzej, Shagar Viknash, Liu Wenzhao, Guerrero Josep M, Review of power quality issues in maritime microgrids, IEEE Access, 2021, vol. 9, s. 81798-81817.
  15. Abotaleb Mostafa, Mindykowski Janusz, Dudojć Bolesław, Maśnicki Romuald, Digital communication links cooperating with the analog 4-20 mA standard for marine applications, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Electrotehnicã, Energeticã, Electronicã, 2021, s. vol. 67 (71) (nr 1), s. 21-44.

2020 r.

  1. Tomasz Tarasiuk; Yuri Zunino; Maximiliano Bueno-Lopez; Federico Silvestro; Andrzej Piłat; Marta Molinas, Frequency Fluctuations in Marine Microgrids: Origins and Identification Tools. IEEE
    Electrification Magazine, Volume: 8, Issue: 3, 2020, pp. 40 – 46.
  2. Gnaciński Piotr, Mindykowski Janusz, Pepliński Marcin, Tarasiuk Tomasz, Costa Jose D., Assunção Mário, Silveira Luis, Zakharchenko Vadym, Drankova Alla, Mukha Mykola, Xu Xiao-Yan, Coefficient of voltage energy efficiency, IEEE Access, 2020, vol. 8, s. 75043-75059.
  3. Gnaciński Piotr, Tarasiuk Tomasz, Mindykowski Janusz, Pepliński Marcin, Górniak Mariusz, Hallmann Damian, Piłat Andrzej, Power quality and energy-efficient operation of marine induction motors, IEEE Access, 2020, vol. 8, s. 152193-152203.
  4. Specht Mariusz, Specht Cezary, Mindykowski Janusz, Dąbrowski Paweł, Maśnicki Romuald, Makar Artur, Geospatial modeling of the tombolo phenomenon in Sopot using integrated geodetic and hydrographic measurement methods, Remote Sensing, 2020, vol. 12 (issue 4), art. no. 737, s. 1-18.
  5. Maśnicki Romuald, Specht Cezary, Mindykowski Janusz, Dąbrowski Paweł, Specht Mariusz, Accuracy analysis of measuring X-Y-Z coordinates with regard to the investigation of the Tombolo Effect, SENSORS, 2020, vol. 20 (issue 4), art. no. 1167, s. 1-14.
  6. Pałczyńska Beata, Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Compressive sensing approach to harmonics detection in the ship electrical network, SENSORS, 2020, vol. 20 (issue 9), art. no. 2744.
  7. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Grala Przemysław, Towards safety improvement of measurement and control signals transmission in marine environment, SENSORS, 2020, vol. 20 (issue 6), art. no. 1668, s. 1-15.
  8. Piotr Gnaciński, Piotr Klimczak, High-power induction motors supplied with voltage containing subharmonics, Energies, 2020.
  9. Gnaciński Piotr, Pepliński Marcin, Hallmann Damian, Power losses and windings temperature of an induction machine under voltage subharmonics, Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, 2020 (no. 63 (135)), s. 51-57.
  10. Pepliński Marcin, Influence of voltage subharmonics on induction motors of various efficiency classes, Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University, 2020 (no. 115), s. 55-62.
  11. Pen Geng, Xiaoyan Xu, Tomasz Tarasiuk, State of charge estimation method for lithium-ion batteries in all-electric ships based on LSTM neural network, Polish Maritime Research, 2020.

2019 r.

  1. P. Gnaciński, M. Pepliński, L. Murawski, A. Szeleziński: Vibration of Induction Machine Supplied with Voltage Containing Subharmonics and Interharmonics. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION Volume: 34, Issue: 4, Pages: 1928-1937, DEC 2019 DOI: 10.1109/TEC.2019.2929534, available at http:
  2. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Górniak Mariusz, Liu Wenzhao, Su Chun-Lien, Savaghebi Mehdi, Vasquez Juan Carlos, Guerrero Josep M., An evaluation method for voltage dips in a shipboard microgrid under quasi-balanced and unbalanced voltage conditions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2019, vol. 66 (no. 10), s. 7683-7693.
  3. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Górniak Mariusz, Liu Wenzhao, Savaghebi Mehdi, Vasquez Juan C., Su Chun-Lien, Guerrero Josep M., Power quality assessment in shipboard microgrids under unbalanced and harmonic AC bus voltage, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, 2019, vol. 55 (no.1), s. 765-775.
  4. Lisowski Marcin, Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, PLC-enabled low voltage distribution network topology monitoring, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, 2019, vol. 10 (no. 6), s. 6436-6448.
  5. Gnaciński Piotr, Pepliński Marcin, Hallmann Damian, Jankowski Piotr, Induction cage machine thermal transients under lowered voltage quality, IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS, 2019, vol. 13 (issue 4), s. 479-486.
  6. Jankowski Piotr, Wołoszyn Mirosław, Comparison of properties of the new electro-mechanical model and circumferential model of the inductive-dynamic drive,  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS, 2019, vol. 59 (no. 2), s. 483-494.
  7. Jankowski Piotr, Wołoszyn Mirosław, Study of the effect of adiabatic heating on the operation of the electrodynamic actuator, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS, 2019, vol. 59 (no. 2), s. 495-504.
  8. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Pepliński Marcin, Jankowski Piotr, The effects of voltage subharmonics on cage induction machine, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2019, vol. 111, s. 125-131.
  9. Dudojć Bolesław, Mindykowski Janusz, New approach to analysis of selected measurement and monitoring systems solutions in ship technology, SENSORS, 2019, vol. 19 (issue 8), art. no. 1775, s. 1-19.
  10. Wołoszyn Mirosław, Jankowski Piotr, Ship's de-perming process using coils lying on seabed, METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, 2019, vol. 26 (no. 3), s. 569-579.
  11. Maśnicki Romuald, Miezianko Cezary, Niczyporuk Rafał, Testing the extended capabilities of an industrial robot equipped with an adapted working tool, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, 2019, r. 95 (nr 11), s. 82-85.
  12. Cuper-Przybylska Dominika, Pressure measurement in the cylinder of four-stroke marine engine - simulation analysis, COMBUSTION ENGINES, 2019 (nr 2 (177)), s. 36-39.
  13. Mindykowski Janusz, Chinhenha Antonio, Methodology for assessing the effects of combined cycle plant characteristics on the quality of generated electrical power, SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF GDYNIA MARITIME UNIVERSITY, 2019 (no. 111), 57-73.
  14. Gnaciński Piotr, Klimczak Piotr, Preliminary study of a 200-kW induction motor supplied with voltages containing subharmonics, SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF GDYNIA MARITIME UNIVERSITY,  2019 (no. 111), s. 47-56.
  15. Jankowski Piotr, Wybrane zagadnienia elektrotechniki w środowisku Mathcad, GDYNIA: UNIWERSYTET MORSKI W GDYNI, 2019.
  16. Gnaciński Piotr, Klimczak Piotr, Badania wstępne silnika o mocy 5600kW w warunkach występowania subharmonicznych napięcia, MASZYNY ELEKTRYCZNE - ZESZYTY PROBLEMOWE, 2019 (nr 1(121)), s. 55-60.
  17. Gnaciński Piotr, Pepliński Marcin, Hallmann Damian, Currents and power losses of induction machine under voltage interharmonics, 2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019, s. 1-7.
  18. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Case study-based ZigBee network implementation for maritime on-board safety improvement, 2019 IMEKO TC-19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (MetroSea 2019) : proceedings, IMEKO, 2019, s. 248-253,
  19. Pałczyńska Beata, Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Harmonics detection in frequency sparse signal, 2019 IMEKO TC-19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (MetroSea 2019) : proceedings, IMEKO, 2019, s. 259-264.
  20. Specht Cezary, Mindykowski Janusz, Dąbrowski Paweł, Maśnicki Romuald, Marchel Łukasz, Specht Mariusz,Metrological aspects of the Tombolo effect investigation - Polish case study, 2019 IMEKO TC-19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (MetroSea 2019) : proceedings, October 3-5 2019 Genova, Italy, IMEKO, 2019, s. 7-11.
  21. Maśnicki Romuald, Minczyk Adam, Synthesis of three-phase waveforms using the selected microprocessor – analysis of constraints, Methods and Techniques of Signal Processing in Physical Measurements, 22nd International Seminar of Metrology, (MSM 2018) Cham : Springer, 2019, s. 181-190.
  22. Noga Krystyna, Pałczyńska Beata, Maśnicki Romuald, The multiplatform environment for simulation and features estimation of mixed-signal devices, Methods and Techniques of Signal Processing in Physical Measurements, 22nd International Seminar of Metrology, (MSM 2018), Cham : Springer, 2019, s. 220-229.

2018 r.

  1. Jankowski Piotr, Woloszyn Miroslaw, Applying of thin plate boundary condition in analysis of ship’s magnetic field, COMPEL-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 2018, 37 (5), 1609-1617.
  2. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Al-Falahi Monaaf D. A., Jayasinghe Shantha Gamini, Jin Zheming, Enshaei Hossein, Guerrero Josep M., AC ship microgrids: control and power management optimization, ENERGIES, 2018, 11 (6), 1458, 20 s.
  3. Jankowski Piotr, Mindykowski Janusz, Study on the hazard limitation of hybrid circuit breaker actuator operation, ENERGIES, 2018, 11 (2), 416, 14 s.
  4. Mindykowski Janusz, Chinhenha Antonio, Analiza porównawcza mocy i sprawności układu kogeneracyjnego turbiny gazowej i parowej, The comparative study on selected operation parameters of a combined cycle plant, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (103), 26-42.
  5. Hallmann Damian, Jankowski Piotr, Badanie przydatności procedur Rosensteina i Eckmanna do identyfikacji chaotycznych szeregów czasowych, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (103), 120-136.
  6. Pepliński Marcin, Derating of an induction machine under voltage and frequency deviation, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI,  2018 (106), 60-70.
  7. Maśnicki Romuald, Lisowski Marcin, Monitoring w inteligentnych sieciach elektroenergetycznych (Smart Grid), ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (nr 103), s. 73-84.
  8. Budziłowicz Andrzej, Gnaciński Piotr, Obciążalność mocą silnika indukcyjnego w warunkach występowania odchylenia napięcia i częstotliwości, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (103), 159-165.
  9. Nowak Tomasz, Opis wybranych zagadnień związanych z zagrożeniami podczas eksploatacji sieci z izolowanym punktem neutralnym, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (103), 57-72.
  10. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Preliminary investigations of induction motor supplied with voltage containing subharmonics using field and field-circuit methods,  ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (106), 48-59.
  11. Kostyszyn Roman, Szwarczewski Paweł, Wpływ farmy wiatrowej na obciążalność napowietrznej linii WN, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (nr 103), s. 85-98.
  12. Pepliński Marcin, Wpływ jednoczesnego występowania różnych zaburzeń jakości napięcia na temperaturę uzwojeń silnika indukcyjnego, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (103), 151-158.
  13. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Wpływ temperatury uzwojeń silnika indukcyjnego zasilanego napięciem zawierającym subharmoniczne na moment elektromagnetyczny, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (103), 166-173.
  14. Górniak Mariusz, Piłat Andrzej, Współpraca odbiornika nieliniowego z filtrem aktywnym i rozdzielnicą główną laboratorium elektroenergetyki okrętowej, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (103), 11-25.
  15. Jankowski Piotr, Wybrane aspekty analizy danych pomiarowych złożonego systemu energetycznego pod kątem zachowań chaotycznych, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (103), 107-119.
  16. Nowak Tomasz, Wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące sieci IT oraz TT w świetle użytkowania w okrętowych systemach elektroenergetycznych, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2018 (103), 43-56.
  17. Maśnicki Romuald, Czy liczniki energii elektrycznej mierzą poprawnie?, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE WYDZIAŁU ELEKTROTECHNIKI I AUTOMATYKI POLITECHNIKI GDAŃSKIEJ, 2018 (59), 131-134.
  18. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Kruczkowski M., Evaluation of the impact of photovoltaic systems on the power quality in electrical grids – preliminary study,  JOURNAL OF PHYSICS : CONFERENCE SERIES, 2018 (1065), art. no. 052012, s. 1-4.
  19. Dudojć Bolesław, Mindykowski Janusz, Understanding of intrinsically safe systems as an end user in ship's hazardous areas, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS : CONFERENCE SERIES, 2018 (1065), art. no. 022011, s. 1-4.
  20. Piłat Andrzej, Tarasiuk Tomasz, Jankowski Piotr, PSCAD model of the marine sub-system with nonlinear load for power quality assessment, 2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe), IEEE, 2018.
  21. Górniak Mariusz, Tarasiuk Tomasz, Voltage spectrum in shipboard microgrid with the varying nonlinear load, 2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe), IEEE, 2018.
  22. Maśnicki Romuald, Some remarks on the accuracy of energy meters, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), 12-15 June, 2018, Palermo, Italy : Conference Proceedings, IEEE, 2018.
  23. Mindykowski Janusz, Dudojć Bolesław, Case study - based overview of selected measurements in ship systems, 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea MetroSea 2018, Bari, Italy, October 8-10,2018 : proceedings, IEEE, 2018, 156-161.
  24. Gnaciński Piotr, Pepliński Marcin, Hallmann Damian,  Cage induction machine under voltage subharmonics combined with voltage deviation, 2018 XXIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) : Proceedings, Ramada Plaza Thraki, Alexandroupoli, Greece, 03-06 September, 2018, IEEE, 2018, 1095-1100.
  25. Gnaciński Piotr, Pepliński Marcin, Hallmann Damian, Thermal transients of induction machine under changeable voltage unbalance, 2018 XXIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) : Proceedings, Ramada Plaza Thraki, Alexandroupoli, Greece, 03-06 September, 2018, IEEE, 2018, 1338-1343.
  26. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Górniak Mariusz, Liu Wenzhao, Guerrero Josep M., Savaghebi Mehdi, Vasquez Juan C., Su Chun-Lien, Power quality assessment in real shipboard microgrid systems under unbalanced and harmonic AC bus voltage, APEC 2018 : Thirty-Third Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, March 4 – 8, 2018, San Antonio, Texas : proceedings, IEEE, 2018, 521-527.
  27. Mindykowski Janusz, Impact of staff competences on power quality – related ship accidents, EPE 2018 : proceedings of the 2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, IEEE, 2018.
  28. Jankowski Piotr, Piłat Andrzej, Tarasiuk Tomasz, The study of chaotic behaviour in the marine power system containing nonlinear varying load, EPE 2018 : proceedings of the 2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering,  IEEE, 2018.
  29. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, What should be measured using static energy meters,  EPE 2018 : proceedings of the 2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, IEEE, 2018.

2017 r.

  1. Maśnicki Romuald, Validation of the measurement characteristics in an instrument for power quality estimation - a case study, ENERGIES, 2017, 10 (4), art. no. 536.
  2. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Guerrero J., Davoudi A., Belkhayat M., Benbouzid M. El Hachemi, Corzine K.A., Cramer A. M., Dougal R., Gamini S., Khersonsky Y., Guest editorial. Energy conversion in next-generation electric ships, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, 2017, 32 (2), 735-736.
  3. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Górniak Mariusz, Load sharing in ship microgrids under nonsinusoidal conditions - case study, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, 2017, 32 (2), 810-819.
  4. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Górniak Mariusz, Simple method of fundamental reactive power measurement for ASIC application, IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION,  2017, 11 (9), 2393-2402.
  5. Jankowski Piotr, Modelling of magneto-elastic phenomena in inductive dynamic drive, JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 12 (3), 1073-1081.
  6. Mindykowski Janusz, Towards safety improvement: implementation and assessment of new standards of competence for Electro-Technical Officers on ships, MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 2017, 44 (3), 336-357.
  7. Mindykowski Janusz, Savino Mario, An overview of the measurement of electrical quantities within IMEKO from 2003 to 2015, MEASUREMENT, 2017 (95), 33-44.
  8. Mindykowski Janusz, Maśnicki Romuald, Coordination of operations in registration channel of data from electrical power system, MEASUREMENT, 2017 (99), 68-77.
  9. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Simple methods of voltage dip tracking – case study, ACTA IMEKO,  2017, 6 (4), 80-88.
  10. Maśnicki Romuald, Lisowski Marcin, Analiza efektywności wybranych instalacji fotowoltaicznych w północnej Polsce, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, 2017, r. 93 (nr 9), 101-104.
  11. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Badania wstępne silnika indukcyjnego w warunkach wahań napięcia z wykorzystaniem metod polowych, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE AKADEMII MORSKIEJ W GDYNI, 2017 (nr 98), s. 64-70.
  12. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Lieske Andrzej, Melcer Filip, Przydomowa mikro-instalacja OZE - czy to się opłaca?, ZESZYTY NAUKOWE WYDZIAŁU ELEKTROTECHNIKI I AUTOMATYKI POLITECHNIKI GDAŃSKIEJ, 2017 (54), 153-158.
  13. Gnaciński Piotr, Pepliński Marcin, Load-carrying capacity of induction machine supplied with voltage containing subharmonics, 2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), IEEE, 2017.
  14. Gnaciński Piotr, Hallmann Damian, Pepliński Marcin, Preliminary investigations of induction machine supplied with voltage containing interharmonics using field model, 2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), IEEE, 2017.
  15. Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, The efficiency of the RES installations in typical household — a case study, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), 6-9 June, 2017, Milan, Italy : conference proceedings, IEEE, 2017.
  16. Mindykowski Janusz, Contemporary challenges to power quality in ship systems - metrological perspective, 22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing 2017: Supporting World Development Through Electrical & Electronic Measurements, Iasi, Romania, 14-15 September 2017, International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), 2017, 536-558 ; 562 s.
  17. Mindykowski Janusz, Savino Mario, History of IMEKO TC4 - second part, 22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing 2017: Supporting World Development Through Electrical & Electronic Measurements, Iasi, Romania, 14-15 September 2017, International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), 2017, 528-535 ; 562 s.
  18. Lisowski Marcin, Maśnicki Romuald, Mindykowski Janusz, Preliminary research on predictive sparse reporting in low-voltage network PLC-based metering, 3rd International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing : EBCCSP 2017, May 24-26, 2017- Funchal, Madeira, Portugal : proceedings, IEEE, 2017.
  19. Tarasiuk Tomasz, Górniak Mariusz, Liu Wenzhao, Guerrero Josep M., Savaghebi Mehdi, Vasquez Juan C., Impact of the voltage dips in shipboard microgrid power systems,  IECON 2017 – 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society : proceedings, Beijing, China, 29, October – 01, November, 2017, IEEE, 2017, 2287-2292.

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P.Golik 25.10.2018
Ostatnia modyfikacja:
P.Golik 14.01.2025